Black Lion Hospital
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The kimonos for the children's oncology ward at Black Lion Hospital Addis Ababa are made of hand-woven, thick cotton and embroidered with pictures of their favourite animals.
The soft kimonos keep the children warm, offer them comfort and the animals shall give them courage and strength in the healing process.
The 'smart tagging' and use of Blockchain Technology tells the story of materials and manufacturing processes and verifies the transparent supply chain of this garment.
Implementation this technology offers proof of the sustainable-, social standards along the entire supply chain. This project investigates how Blockchain Technology can form the basis for an open system of full traceability. It also has the potential to provide direct donations to the local children's cancer relief organisation, TAPCCO which support the young patients and their families.
Supported by Provenance
With special thanks to Nicola Borgmann, Bianca Orboi, Ann-Carolin Reimsbach, Pia Soppa & Carolina Wolf